

  • Gynecologist, Endocrinologist, Geriatrician.
  • Orthopedician , Psychiatrist, Physician.
  • Nutritionist, Physiotherapist, Nurses – can apply for membership.
  • Committee will decide about Membership.

Benefits of Members:

  • Can attend CMEs ,Conference.
  • You can present papers at annual conference, Zonal conferences National conferences.
  • Participate in Annual Quiz Programme & winner will be sponsored for National conference.
  • Receive Medical practice guidelines for management of menopause.
  • They can offer voluntary services in CMS organized free screening Camps.
  • Receive Bi Annual issue of the scientific journal of Indian Menopause Society viz; The Journal of Midlife Health.
  • Receive Quarterly issue of the public awareness magazine of Indian Menopause society: “Poise”.