President’s Message

Dear friends, greetings and best wishes from me. Let me thank God the Almighty and all the good hearts who have given me this opportunity and thank you for the trust and confidence in me.
The average age of menopause for Indian women is 46.7 years and longevity of women has increased to about 72 years. Hence one third of their life will be spent after menopause.Our society is committed to the care of the Menopausal women.
Theme for 2021-23-Embrace Menopause with Grace.
“Embrace each Challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation” – Bernie Siegel.
Menopause for some is a symptomatic, for some symptomatic and for some it is really challenging.
Menopause is a New Beginning. Embrace Menopause with Grace.
Goal:Is the care of Menopausal Women.
1. To Counsel Midlife Women.
2. To take care and comfort midlife and mature women.
3. To treat and cure some of the diseases among midlife and mature women.

Vison and Mission:
“Vision without action is a daydream, Action without vision is Nightmare.”
Vision:To promote well being of midlife women and menopausal women

1. To increase awareness about Peri & Postmenopausal health issues by Public forum & awareness programmes for Teachers, Lecturers, Para medicals. Screening camps will be conducted after the Pandemic.
2. To promote membership drive since the strength of our organization lies in our strong and active participation by members.
3. To Promote Risk assessment, Guidelines& Optimal management through Webinars,Quizzes, Workshops & Conferences in collaboration with other Specialties.
4. To promote Gurukul programme among UG, PG students.
5. To conduct charitable clinics.
6. To promote research among young doctors through Poster, Paper presentation and by giving them awards.
7. To share knowledge through e-Newsletter once in two months and Website (Practice points & latest articles).
We know Menopause is Natural but Indian women suffer in silence since their tolerance is high and they welcome Menopause not knowing the early and late consequences. Indian women attain menopause at an average of 46.7 years.With increased longevity, more and more women will spend their significant duration of life in menopausal stage. Consequences of ageing may result in public health problem hence we must do our best to prevent it.It is perhaps life’s greatest accomplishment to live to old age,maintaining one’s wits, one’s sense of humor, one’s health and one’s charm. The responsibility of every Gynaecologist is to fulfill that desire.
I request the cooperation of each and every member in carrying the society activity forward to better times and continue the good work done. I would like to encourage all members of the Society to share their suggestions and ideas for consideration.
A big thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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